Facets of Life.

Changing times.
Times have really changed. Gone were the days where libraries were supposed to be a place of peace and quiet, where one could study conducively under the quiet environment provided. Nowadays, people go to the library to MAKE NOISE.

I was at the Woodlands library earlier, and then this fat piece of lard came to share the table. I was ok with that, but what I wasn't ok with was him shaking his legs and causing the table to shake as well. Told him off, and everything was ok until his friend came, and they yakked away non-stop like it was their own home.

Another thing. Why are people so unorganized? Is it so hard to pack your stuff nicely so you can just take out what you need? Don't you losers know that it is fucking distracting to others when you rummage through your bag, and ransack it like you were a burglar robbing a house? And not to mention throwing your stuff around on the table as if they were made of rubber.

Hello! Reality check! Your stuff aren't made of rubber! Neither is the table! And what you're doing is utterly distracting to someone trying to concentrate on studying!

And then there's the angsty typist. This little bitch was typing away furiously on her laptop like she had a grudge against it. Thanks to these inconsiderate nincompoops I had to come home earlier because it was sofa king hard to concentrate in there. I hope you all get struck by lightning.

Oh, and of course, please remember to BATHE. Having horrid BO too is distracting to people. Not forgetting people who forget to SET THEIR MOBILES TO SILENT MODE. These jokers should be put in a room and have ringing phones blaring into their ears for the entire day.

125 words

Speed test

Marvin out.
4:03:00 PM
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